
The Best Digestive Health Supplements

Probiotic T-50 is an ancient practice to cleanse the body of all toxins that contribute to the discomfort of the digestive system. This helps in improving intestinal health which in turn creates a healthy digestive tractable to digest foods. Digestion begins in the mouth by chewing your food well (at least 20 chews per bite). The majority of your digestive enzymes are actually originated in your mouth, not in your stomach. Therefore, chewing your food allows the food to be broken down more quickly and will result in better digestion. Our GI tract has its own ecosystem! There are tiny organisms, mostly bacteria, who live in our GI tract, they help us digest food, aid nutrient absorption, produce certain key vitamins, prevent disease and much more. Good bacteria feast on fibre, they thrive on a generous supply of vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grain foods, and they also like garlic, green tea and aloe vera. I am enthusiastic about the use of the aloe vera  probiotic t-50